
Green Media | An ecotainment concept | Art • Joy • Spirit


Art • Joy • Spirit

Vision | Art • Joy • Spirit

We are what our choices and dreams are and by Green Media we have chosen to value the green part of the artistic and cultural life. We believe that the real values are fresh, full of energy and impose quality.

The ecotainment conceives a new view on the values of life, meaning a positive and a standing message of the classical and modern arts. It focuses on the deep sense of the beauty of life.

The ecotainment sustains the artistic act, assuming a subjective and an 'empathetically correct' look. We accept neither the vulgarity nor the trivial side of the yellow press.

Green Media is a project born out of our aesthetic taste and of the ideal of making our dreams come true.

We communicate directly, naturally and efficiently about aesthetics, Art&Spirit cultural life, referring to the acts from all over the world, without any borders, politics and prejudices.

We are also focused on the international happenings and trends, we aim at associating Romanian arts and artists to the international cultural projects.

We are original and gifted, we do love what we are doing. We like bringing joy out of our work, whether we refer to a press article, an image, an event, a concept or other universes.

We believe in overwhelming trans-cultural borders.